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Stewarding Momentum

A few months ago I was preaching on the subject of thankfulness, and how posturing ourselves to live each day ‘from thankfulness’ is truly life-changing. As I spoke, I shared some recent testimonies of miracles and healings from everyday life that had happened without…

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Take Delight In Yourself, The World Benefits!

Pete reveals the pitfalls of false humility and how dangerous this is for us as Christians and people responsible for the health of others. The good news is that delighting in yourself gives access to all the incredible things God has put inside you!

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The governance of good news

Mike shares some foundational wisdom on how to share testimonies in a way that’s honouring and professional!

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We’re Not Here to Fix People

Pete offers some of heaven’s wisdom on how to be carriers of God’s power in a way that honours people.

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See More of The Miraculous In Your Life!

If someone told you that there were 4 things you could do to guarantee more of the miraculous in your life, what would your reaction be? It’s an interesting question, isn’t it? Sometimes if we hear a statement like that it seems almost presumptuous. But the reality…

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Dealing With Unbelief

Continuing his series about the river inside us, Pete examines one of the possible pollutants: unbelief.

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Harness The Power of The Testimony In Your Life!

At one of our recent locality group meetings, we were amazed as we heard story after story of God breaking through into the healthcare world in miraculous ways… from volunteer chaplains seeing legs instantly healed in emergency rooms, to support workers releasing…

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How Much Life Are You Carrying?

Pete explains how we’re all conduits for heaven’s life to flow through and impact the world around us.

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How Is Your Leadership Trust Fund?

According to Professor Bruce Lloyd of London’s South Bank University, “the critical issue is not change but trust”. This is consistent with research by Patrick Lencioni’s Table Group, San Francisco. In his, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable, Lencioni…

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Pete’s interview on Premier Christian Radio!

Happy New Year! We’re so excited by what God’s doing in healthcare and are believing for incredible things to happen in you and through you in 2019. You may have read Pete’s article just before Christmas in which he mentioned an interview he did recently for Premier…

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Heaven in Healthcare Christmas update

As we enter into the Christmas and New Year period I want to give you an update on developments within Heaven in Healthcare and share some of our good news. This morning I did an interview for Premier Radio on this subject; it was recorded and will be broadcast as…

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What Are You Cultivating?

Whenever we get together as a team at Heaven in Healthcare, we’re always overwhelmed by God’s goodness. Since we last met together at our September conference, we’ve heard story after story of people who are seeing God do incredible things in the area of healthcare -…

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There’s A Voice of Hope Emerging

I’ve always been involved in youth work, and have long held a passion to see young people loved through their toughest times. As a teenager, I struggled with depression and anxiety and resorted to self-harm. I’ve seen God do amazing work in me and He set me free from…

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Allowed to Demonstrate your Faith at Work?

Are you allowed to demonstrate your faith at work? This is a question that is commonly asked in the arena of health provision and one which we are keen to provide answers for through Heaven in Healthcare. Basically the answer is “Yes”, the next question is “How?”…

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Welcome to Heaven in Healthcare!

We’re so excited about the way that God is moving in the arena of Healthcare, to see the way that He is stirring the hearts of so many health workers across many nations to bring the realities of Heaven into their areas of work and life itself. We’re already hearing…

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Bringing Dr. Jesus to your local A&E

We hear a lot about how hard things are for the NHS. And the reality is, a lot of it’s true. But no matter how big the problems seem to get, God has a solution to every need. And that’s how we started ED Pastors. Four years ago, I was working as a volunteer prison…

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