In Real Life

How To Bring Heaven To Earth | An Equipping Series

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Happy New Year??

How do we keep hope alive, remain thankful and be joyful in challenging times. As Christians we can impact the times we live in by taking responsibility for the spiritual atmosphere of our nation.

No One Died

Sasha is in conversation with Ennie Nyamangunda. Join us as we talk about the journey her team have been through and the powerful impact of the river of life that has been flowing into that environment.

Christmas in Healthcare

Pete and Sasha talk about working in Healthcare around Christmas and New Year, because Healthcare doesn’t stop for Christmas! Lots of fun stories alongside serious content.

Spring is Not Far Away

Liz Lunt and Pete Carter talk about setting the realities of this winter season against the background of hope that spring is coming, in the spiritual sense, the calendar sense and the medical sense.

Cultivating the Land of Hopes and Dreams

Sasha and Pete talk about the adventure of dreaming with God with up to the moment stories of God’s provision. Also drawing on Exodus 23v10-11 talking about the purpose of “Fallow years”.

Practicing the Presence of God

Pete Carter and Dr. Mike Von give us tips on how to benefit from God’s presence, which is with us at all times.

Faithful With Little, Get Ready For More

Expansive thinking is part of the Kingdom. With Pete and Sasha on IRL.

Emerge Advocacy

Summary Joy Wright shares with us her inspiring journey of an enlarging charity dedicated to helping young people in distress.


Pete and Dave talk about the importance of thankfulness being given and received plus the importance of love during this season.

Fear, Love & Lockdown

This week Pete is joined by Dave Foggon, as they discuss what lockdown is teaching us about our culture, beliefs and motives.

The Magnificence of God

This week, Pete and Kamiji look at that much asked question: What is God saying in this season? They find the answer lies partly in what He was already saying before the current crisis, paying particular attention to a prophetic word from last year. To access the Graham Cooke prophecy, search ‘Dream Revolution’ in your device’s app store.

When Heaven Meets Healthcare

This time Kamiji and Pete explore how the supernatural activity of God engages with the reality of some of the biggest challenges we face.

The Power of Knowing Who You Are

This time Kamiji and Pete discuss how important it is to know our identity as sons and daughters (which increases as we discover more of who our Father is), and how powerful this can be when faced with uncertainty.

Living From Rest

This time Kamiji is joined by doctors Pete and Dave Carter as they explore what it looks like to live from rest, and how that’s more important to cultivate now than ever, as we find ourselves surrounded by chaos.

Growing In Hope Means Learning To Wait

This time Kamiji and Pete look at how we grow in hope – and how this is connected to waiting. We don’t like waiting. It’s painful and it doesn’t feel right to us… but if we never had to wait, we wouldn’t need hope!

Why Social Distancing Doesn't Mean Having No Faith

Kamiji’s joined once again by Pete, who offers a faith-filled medical perspective on how observing social distancing can be an expression of love and wisdom, without meaning a lack of faith.

Cultivating Hope On The Front Line

This time Kamiji is joined by Sasha, an emergency care practitioner, who shares her experiences and thoughts on how to cultivate hope in this season. This is a recording of a Facebook Live from earlier this week.

How To Be Hard Pressed But Not Crushed

In our second live episode, Kamiji is again joined by Pete who shares his thoughts (and medical experiences) on how to endure external challenges by living from a greater internal reality. This is a recording of a Facebook Live from this morning. #FaithOverFear​ #Covid​-19

Heaven's Perspective On a Healthcare Crisis

We’ve gone live! In this episode, Kamiji is joined by Dr. Pete who shares his thoughts on how to gain strength, encouragement and comfort from our connection to God. This is a recording of a Facebook Live from this morning. #Covid​-19 #FaithOverFear