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Hello again!

Posted Thursday 8 October 2020

Well, it’s certainly a new season, and some of us are getting back in the swing of things after taking some kind of a break over the summer. We do hope you have been able to take advantage of some of the opportunities we’ve put together for you over the summer months, including partnership events with the very joyful Sue Jameson, and always-inspirational materials from Dream Revolution.

As a team, we just wanted to check in and update you on key Heaven in Healthcare happenings (or not happenings, as the case may be!).

Heaven in Healthcare Conference

We are approaching the time of our planned Autumn conference, which many of you have attended in the past. It’s always been a brilliant opportunity to make connections, stir hope, and support one another across the world of healthcare. We have certainly experienced God and seen Him do amazing things.

However, with social distancing and health and safety measures set to be in place for quite some time, we wanted to confirm that we have made the decision that sadly we will not be holding a physical conference this year. Whilst this is disappointing news, we wanted to give you some certainty for planning activities over the coming months. We have tried to balance our commitment to delivering a conference that we know provides real value and impact, with our genuine concern for the health and wellbeing of all our attendees. We will be looking at our options, and planning for 2021, and want you to know that we are committed to – and excited about – holding a rearranged Heaven in Healthcare conference once it’s considered safe to gather in this way.

Reflecting on the year we’ve had…

A new season can be a time for fresh starts, but also, sometimes, for contemplation on what’s gone before. As a Church community, we have certainly been looking back, and reflecting upon the strange year that we have experienced so far. In casting our minds back, we have been reminded of how God clearly spoke to us in several different ways prior to the Covid crisis, in order to prepare us for what we were to encounter during 2020. Here are two key ways in which this happened:

1) A timely Prophetic Word for 2020

We have mentioned the Graham Cooke prophecy previously, which we discovered spoke God’s truth into the very things that we’ve been required to face. If you’ve not yet seen or heard this crafted Prophetic Word, it’s available via the Dream Revolution app, here

2) A clear instruction for the year ahead

At the beginning of 2020, God told the Church at Eastgate not to make any plans for 2020. We believe this was a key prophetic word that would be applicable beyond Eastgate at this time, and would be particularly relevant to Heaven in Healthcare. That said, in January it seemed a very strange command, and it was difficult to know quite how to apply it – after all, you can’t just not make plans!

In hindsight, it’s obvious that God knew what He was talking about, as we have undoubtedly all experienced many and various plans not coming to pass over recent months. However, it’s worth highlighting that God also gave us a reason to not make plans and, by doing so, He helped us understand what He was saying. His full message at the beginning of the year was, in fact, “I don’t want you to make any plans because any plans you make will be too small.”

Let’s remember the reason God gave us for not planning ahead was not simply that the global pandemic would ruin our plans (which in many ways it has) but that He had a much greater purpose for us than we had previously thought.

Ephesians 3:20-21 tells us “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.”

God is somehow using 2020 to prepare and train his people for the greater things that are yet to come. Now that is definitely something worth dwelling on.

Have a Listen

Pete Carter preached about all these thoughts on Sunday 27th September, and we believe you could find it very helpful (we have already had a lot of good feedback). If you’d like to hear more, you can access this sermon here

We will inevitably talk more about these things in the coming months, the aim of Heaven in Healthcare being, as always, to equip, enable, support and encourage you to enjoy and release heaven on earth.

Heaven in Healthcare Team
